1. Select the Document Library within the Site you just created. ** Please note you may need to consult the Document on How to Create a Team Site in Sharepoint first Before this step **

2. You can use the New button to Create more folders to make things a bit more organized. And you can use the Upload button to Upload Files to the Site. You can then share these files with internal and external users.

3. Once you have Uploaded your File to your Sharepoint Site Document Library, you can then share the file with internal or external users.

4. If you want to Share the file with Someone Internal or External then please select "People you specify can edit"

5. On the next Screen select who you want to share with - If you want to share with SafeLane Global Users then select "People in SAFELANE GLOBAL with the link. If you want to share with external Users then please select Specific People. Set Allow editing and Block download as desired.

6. Type in a SafeLane Global email address or an external Users email address depending on who you want to share with. The example given below is for an external user. You can specify additional message text if you want to. Once Completed, Click Send to email a link to the destination User's email address.